Submit Files

Upload Files


Full Name
Max. file size: 100 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

How should I prepare the files for printing?

  • The easiest way to answer this question is that we need you to supply a PRINT READY PDF file.
    We also will accept EPS files with outlined fonts, flattened TIFF’s or JPEGS.
  • For best printing results we need a minimum or 300 dpi, converted to CMYK color, all fonts need to be outlined or embedded.
  • Specify the trim area with crop marks (please don’t place any in the working area).
  • Please add a minimum or 1/8″ (.125″) bleed on all edges of your job and a 1/8″ (.125″) SAFE AREA within the cut area, this area will include all text.
  • Please follow these guidelines and CAREFULLY CHECK the completed files before uploading.
  • This will greatly reduce any error and ensure your complete satisfaction with the final print job.
  • You can email or call if you have any questions.

To Summarize:

  • Minimum Resolution 300 dpi
  • CMYK color
  • Outline or embed all fonts
  • Specify trim area with crop marks
  • Artwork should have 1/8″ (.125) bleed from trim line
  • All text should be within SAFE AREA, 1/8″ (.125) away from trim line